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FutureLog team members in Böblingen cheering and celebrating the completion of their charity run, with the finish line in the background


Böblingen team's company run

Our FutureLog Böblingen team couldn't pass up the chance to participate in a company run at the Böblingen airfield, conveniently located just behind our new office.

In perfect weather, we eagerly hit the 5 km track, sporting our team running shirts. Our runners circled the lake at the airfield site, fueled by the cheers and motivation of Tobias Deisinger, who showed incredible support and enthusiasm for the team, even while nursing an injury. Plus, he kept us well-hydrated with cool beverage supply after crossing the finishing line.

Our key take away is that it's not always about being the fastest, but about reaching the finish line together as a team.

Congratulations to everyone who took part: Susanne Foith, Matthew Koehler, Silke Lehmann, Nicole Drewitz and Shaima Lucia El Qaouti